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Statement of Dennis Martire, LIUNA Mid-Atlantic Vice President and Regional Manager on Crucial State Approval for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline
Richmond, Va. (October 20, 2018) – In response to the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) approval of the Erosion and Sediment, Stormwater Management, and Karst Protection Plans for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, Dennis Martire made the following statement:
After thorough review, the DEQ confirmed that moving forward on this clean, natural gas energy infrastructure project is safe for Virginia’s environment. However, this is something that local workers knew a long time ago.
Virginia’s working men and women live, hunt, fish, and make memories with their families on the land surrounding the ACP. Their concerns were never about ACP construction jeopardizing their land, but rather the uncertainty of whether or not ACP would make it to full construction. With this approval and the 401 Clean Water Act Certification that comes with it, full construction is in sight. Now, the jobs Virginians have heard about and have anticipated are finally here. It’s not just time to build a pipeline. It’s time to build better lives for Virginia residents.
I’m hoping DEQ’s approval will end the stop-and-start process tormenting ACP in Virginia. Not only has it delayed new economic development, but it has hurt workers whose only opportunity to provide for their families is on the ACP and natural gas energy infrastructure projects like it. In West Virginia and North Carolina, the ACP has already employed over 800 laborers. That’s over 800 people earning a living wage and employer-paid healthcare. Workers in the Commonwealth deserve the same.
We look forward to putting our partnership with Virginia Community Colleges to use to recruit, train, and hire local Virginians in addition to members of our LIUNA locals. We also commend Atlantic Coast Pipeline LLC. for its commitment to safety and openness to route changes if it means bringing workers one step closer to these life-changing jobs.
The Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA) Mid-Atlantic Region represents more than 40,000 working men and women predominantly in the construction industry in Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, the District of Columbia, Virginia and North Carolina