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Reston, Va. (January 7, 2019) -- The Mid-Atlantic Region of the Laborers' International Union of North America (LIUNA) endorses Jennifer Boysko for State Senate of Virginia for the seat vacated by new Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton (CD-10).
"Hard-working Virginian members of LIUNA are proud to have Jennifer Boysko as an ally," said Dennis Martire, Vice President and Regional Manager of LIUNA Mid-Atlantic. "Jennifer is a strong advocate for Union issues that help our members put food on the table and provide for their families. She will be a strong voice for working families in the Senate of Virginia. "
Boysko is the Democratic candidate running against Republican nominee Joe May for the open seat in the special election on Tuesday, January 8, 2019.
The Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA) Mid-Atlantic Region represents more than 40,000 working men and women predominantly in the construction industry in Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, the District of Columbia, Virginia and North Carolina