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Rescinding DACA Doesn’t Weaken Our Voice

A Message from Dennis Martire

The milestone of leaving home for the first time means more freedom than ever before. Nonetheless, there is comfort in knowing that returning to that initial home is always an option. Unfortunately, the Administration’s decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program last week challenges that notion.

Often referred to as Dreamers, hard-working immigrants who have contributed to making this country what it is today, may be forced to leave the country they have called home since childhood. Without DACA, their freedom of choosing where to live is taken away. The power is now in the hands of Congress to pass the DREAM Act and counter DACA’s absence.

While not American citizens by birth, Dreamers have embraced this country and what it has to offer regardless of their immigration status. Because of that, they should be allowed to pursue citizenship without having to fear deportation in the process. LiUNA’s support of President Obama’s DACA program brought us closer to our ultimate goal of comprehensive immigration reform. If it wasn’t for proud immigrant and minority workers over 100 years ago, LiUNA wouldn’t be where we are today.

  • With the reality of Congress’ inaction pattern on immigration reform, members in our region are not passively waiting out these next six months before DACA ends. Casa de Maryland, an organization that empowers immigrant communities in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, provided a few simple ways to show support for the DREAM Act.
  • Vocalize support by calling the congressional switchboard at (202) 224-312.
  • Help CASA increase their resources during this time through a donation.
  • Inform others in your neighborhood of what the DREAM Act is all about by hosting a house party.
  • Be part of CASA’s Visit to Congressional Offices on September 26.

For more information on CASA, go to

Our efforts to achieve comprehensive immigration reform will not stop now. Citizenship papers do not depict Dreamers’ pride in this country, so it is essential to consider the contributions they have made and will continue to make to this country. It is up to us to make our voices heard so Congress can’t help but take action.


